2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Education Unit

General Education

Taught by faculty from across the college

Program Mission Statement

An undergraduate education can transform lives. Taught by faculty from multiple departments, General Education serves as the basic integrating component in that process by fostering the acquisition of cultural and scientific literacy and the exercise of critical thinking in personal and global problem solving. At Lyndon State, general education is provided through the General Education Unit (GEU). This cohesive program was created by the faculty to provide a core of knowledge, skills, and values for all students. It serves as a background for majors and careers, a framework from which to assimilate new experiences, and a springboard for lifelong learning.

Program Goals

In addition to two semesters of English composition and two semesters of mathematical reasoning, the GEU introduces the student to “the life of the mind”, provides breadth and some depth in each of the fundamental areas of human knowledge (the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences), and includes elective credits to ensure that students have the opportunity to explore disciplines of interest to them. It provides the liberal arts and sciences foundation for Lyndon State’s degree programs. All matriculated students, and transfer students with fewer than 12 credits, must be enrolled in INT 1020 (Entering an Academic Community) in their first semester and until the course is successfully completed and will not be awarded sophomore standing until that time. Successful completion of the appropriate GEU is required of all matriculated undergraduate students.

Innovative parts of this program include “Entering an Academic Community” (INT 1020) and the four Divisional Core courses (ART 1010, HUM 1030, SCI 1030, and SSC 1030). INT 1020 introduces students to the culture and expectations of collegiate life. It provides students with an exciting, early, experiential component to their education. The four Divisional Core courses introduce students to the history, philosophy, and methodology of the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. These interdisciplinary courses present students with an overview of the people, events, and “ways of knowing” which typify each division. They provide stimulating insights into the interconnectedness of human knowledge. Students not completing the GEU Core course requirement by the end of the sophomore year will not be granted junior standing until such time as they fulfill the requirement.

The Divisional Choice Courses provide greater detail and deeper understanding in each division of the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Students choose five courses that best suit their interests and needs from over sixty-five possibilities.

Arts Choice Courses [Choice:AR]
ART-1040 Questioning Art
ART-2060 Applied Art
ART-2121 Calligraphy I
ART-2122 Calligraphy II
ART-2301 Photography I
ENG-1080 Speech - Expository Speaking
ENG-2130 Introduction to Writing Poetry
ENG-2140 Introduction to Writing Fiction
ENG-2155 Introduction to Writing for Publication
MUS-1010 Music Appreciation
MUS-1030 Music Fundamentals
MUS-1041 Class Piano I
MUS-2340 Class Instruction in Voice
MUS-2341 Guitar I
THA-1041 Introduction to Theater Arts
THA-2055 Film Analysis and Appreciation
THA-2121 Acting I

Humanities Choice Courses [Choice:HU]
ENG-1310 Introduction to Literature
ENG-2240 Greek and Roman Classics
ENG-2250 Approaches to Literature
ENG-2290 Survey of British Literature and Culture
ENG-2325 Survey of American Literature & Culture
ENG-2390 Survey of World Literature: Explorations
ENG-2410 Mystery and Detective Fiction
ENG-2480 Survey of Literary Non-Fiction
ENG-3010 Advanced Composition
HIS-1011 Western Civ I
HIS-1020 Comparative Civilizations
HIS-1211 American History I
HIS-1212 American History II
HIS-2240 Survey of Eurasia
HIS-2330 Traditional Asia
PHI-1010 Introduction to Philosophy
PHI-1020 Critical Thinking
PHI-2040 Ethics

Natural Sciences Choice Courses [Choice:NS]
BIO-1210 Introduction to Biology
BIO-2011 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO-2150 The Plant Kingdom
BIO-2160 Plant Growth and Function
BIO-2240 Survey of Animal Kingdom
BIO-2320 Zoology
CHE-1031 General Chemistry I
ENV-2060 Energy, Environment and Society
GEY-1111 Introduction to Geology I
MET-1010 Elementary Meteorology
MET-1030 Elementary Oceanography
MET-1211 Survey of Meteorology I
MET-1211L Survey of Meteorology I Lab
PHY-1120 Introduction to Astronomy
PHY-2010 Intro to Electricity & Electronics
PHY-2020 Energy, Environment, and Society
PHY-2030 The Universe
PHY-2031 Fundamental Physics I

Social Sciences Choice Courses [Choice:SS]
ANT-1030 Introduction to Anthropology
BUS-2020 Principles of Management
BUS-2230 Principles of Marketing
ECO-2020 Macroeconomics
ECO-2030 Microeconomics
GEO-1010 Introduction to Geography
OER-1010 Leisure and Society
OER-1080 Leadership Theory and Practice
POS-1010 Introduction to Political Science
POS-1030 Comparative Government
POS-2040 International Relations
PSY-1010 Introduction to Psychology
PSY-1050 Human Growth and Development
PSY-1130 Intro to Subtance Abuse
PSY-2090 Lifespan Across Cultures
PSY-2120 Human Sexuality
SOC-1010 Introduction to Sociology
SOC-1030 Social Problems
SOC-2220 The Family in Society
TVS-1010 Introduction to Media Communication

Other Choice Courses [Choice:OC]
FRE-1111 French I
GER-1111 German I
OER-2130 Wilderness Mind
RUS-1011 Russian I
SPA-1011 Spanish I



