2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Degree Programs List

Degree Programs

The following list represents Lyndons undergraduate degree programs for the 2007-2008 academic year. The boldface entry indicates the major department offering the program, followed by the title, degree, and concentration or track (if any). Degree programs are approved and subject to change by the Vermont State Colleges Board of Trustees.

            Business Administration
                        Business Administration (A.S.)
                        Accounting (B.S.)
                                    Financial Accounting and Reporting
                                    Management Accounting
                        Business Administration (B.S.)
                                    Business Administration
                                    Finance and Accounting
                        Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship (B.S.)

            Digital and Graphic Arts
                        Graphic Design (A.S.)
                        Graphic Design (B.A.)
                                   Graphic Design
                        Digital Media (A.S.)
                        Digital Media (B.A.)

                        Elementary Education (B.S.)
                                    Early Childhood Education1
                                    Elementary Education1,2
                                    Special Education - Special Educator (K-8)

            English & Philosophy
                        English (B.A.)
                                    Literature and Cultural Studies
                                    Journalism and Creative Writing
                        Secondary Education (Licensure Program)2 

             Exercise Science
                        Exercise Science (B.S.)
                                    Secondary Areas:
                                                Strength and Conditioning - Health and Fitness
                                                Sport Management
                                                Sport Medicine: Pre-professional physical therapy 3+3
                                                                           Pre-professional athletic training 4+2
                                                Self-Designed Program
                        Physical Education (B.S.)

             Fine and Performing Arts
                        Music Business and Industry (B.S.)

             General Studies
                        General Studies (A.A.)

             Liberal Studies
                        Liberal Studies (B.A.)
                        Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies (B.A.)

             Mathematics & Computer Science
                        Computing (A.S.)
                        Computer  Information Systems/Business (B.S.)
                        Computer Information Systems/Meteorology (B.S.)
                        Mathematics (B.A.)
                                    Pure Mathematics
                                    Applied Mathematics
                        Secondary Education (Licensure Program)2

                        Meteorology (B.S.)
                                    American Meteorological Society/Graduate School
                                    National Weather Service/Military
                                    Private Industry
                                    Geographic Information Systems

             Natural Sciences
                        Environmental Science (B.S.)
                        Natural Science (B.S.)
                        Secondary Education (Licensure Program)2

                        Psychology (B.A.)
                        Human Services (B.S.)

             Recreation Resource & Ski Resort Management
                        Recreation Resource & Ski Resort Management (B.S.)
                                    Adventure-Based Program Management
                                    Natural Resource GIS Mapping and Planning
                                    Ski Resort Management
                        Geographic Information Systems/Global Positioning Systems (A.S.)

             Social Sciences
                        Social Sciences (B.A.)
                        Global Studies (B.A.)
                        Secondary Education (Licensure Program)2

             Television Studies
                        Television Production (A.S.)
                        TV News (A.S.)
                        Television Studies (B.S.)
                                    Broadcast News
                                    Broadcast Design & Production

            Master of Education2

            Master of Science for Teachers2
                        1. Vermont Teaching License available
                        2. See Graduate Section of this Catalog  


            Graduate Certificate in Leadership


            Minor Programs
            Applied Group Leadership
            Digital Media
            Foundations of Social Research
            Gender Studies
            Global Studies
            Graphic Design
            Human Services
            International Studies
            Political Science


Degree Programs & General Education

            Lyndon offers eight Associate Degree programs, which may be completed in two years; twenty-four Bachelors programs, which may be completed in four years; and two Masters programs, which may be completed in one to five years. Further information on the Lyndon Masters programs is available online at www.lyndonstate.edu.

            Each undergraduate program consists of required courses from the sponsoring academic department, courses from other departments, competency in Basic Skill requirements, the General Education Unit (GEU), and unrestricted electives.

            In order to receive a degree from Lyndon, all students are required to take a minimum number of credit hours at Lyndon. For all undergraduates this residency requirement stipulates that 30 of the last 39 credit hours must be achieved in courses taken at the college. The minimum number of credits within a program that must be taken at the college is: major - 12; minors - 6; Liberal Studies Degree Primary Area - 6; Secondary Area - 3.

            Requirements for undergraduate degrees may be summarized as follows:


            Associate                                         Associate                             Bachelor of Arts
            in Science                                         in Arts                                      or Science

General Education, College Skills,         General Education Unit:            General Education Unit:
    and Divisional Core: 26                         Credits 42 Credits                        42 Credits

            Total Credits: 62                           Total Credits: 62                       Total Credits: 122


Acceptance to Degree and Licensure Candidacy in Major Programs    

            During the second semester of the sophomore year some Lyndon Bachelor degree candidates are expected to apply for formal acceptance into a major program. Some departments require acceptance to the major; consult your major program in this catalog for the departmental requirements. Application forms are available from the departments.

            Candidates for Vermont Teaching Licenses should consult notes on Eligibility under each program for standards governing practice teaching and certification.

            Candidates for all associate degrees need not be admitted formally to major programs.

 Double Majors

            Students may earn a double major at the college by fulfilling all requirements of two programs. Students fulfilling the requirements for two majors will receive a single diploma, but the diploma will state the degree and list both majors. If one of the majors is designated as a Bachelor of Arts and the other as a Bachelor of Science, the student will have the choice as to the designation that will appear on the diploma.

An individual course may not be applied toward fulfilling requirements in both programs, except:
1.  a course may be applied toward GEU requirements in both programs;
2.  a course may be applied toward GEU requirements in one program and major requirements in the other program;
3.  a course may be applied toward both programs when that course is explicitly stated as a requirement in both programs;
4.  a course may be applied toward a program requirement in one major and elective credit in the other major; or
5.  a course may be applied toward elective credit in both programs.

 Minor Programs

            Lyndon offers minor programs consisting of 18 to 24 credit hours of course work. While minors lack the depth and breadth of a major program, they do allow for some concentrated study in a single area. Students interested in gaining recognition for a minor program must apply to the sponsoring department through the Registrars Office by the end of the term preceding completion of the minor. Successful completion of a minor will not appear on ones diploma, but will be noted on the transcript once the student has graduated from a baccalaureate program.


Course Numbering

Basic Skills (pre-college) 0000
First Year 1000
Sophomore 2000
Junior 3000
Senior 4000
Graduate 5000-6000


Course Abbreviations

ACC Accounting
AHS Exercise Sciences
ANT Anthropology
BIO Biology
BUS Business
CHE Chemistry
CIS Computer Information Science
GER German
IDM Digital Media
ECO Economics 
EDU Education
ENG English
ENV Environmental Science
FLL Foreign Language
FRE French
GEO Geography
GEY Geology
GIS Geographic Information Systems
DGC Graphic Design
HIS History
HUM Humanities
INT Interdisciplinary Seminar
MAT Mathematics
MET Meteorology
MUS Music
PHI Philosophy
PED Physical Education
PHY Physics
PLE Placement: English
PLM Placement: Math
POS Political Science
PSY Psychology
OER Recreation
RUS Russian
SCI Science
SED Science Education
SOC Sociology
SPA Spanish
SSC Social Science
THA Theater
TVS Television Studies