2014-15 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Oct 07, 2024  
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Mission Statement

Lyndon State College prepares every student for personal and professional success through experience-based, high-quality programs in the liberal arts and professional studies.

Lyndon State College - Core Values:

Quality Education
We offer Quality Education in liberal arts and professional programs that develops creative and critical
thinking for success in today’s global society.

We believe Experience is the hallmark of a Lyndon education, linking theory and practice, both inside and
outside the classroom.

We create Opportunity for students of varying ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds to pursue an affordable, high-quality education.

As a Community of life-long learners, we encourage personal and social responsibility, honesty, common sense, collaboration, respect for diversity, and the principles represented in the Lyndon State College Promise.

We believe Integrity is emphasized in all facets of our community by holding true to our mission and values in the programs and services we offer and in our internal and external relations.