2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 08, 2025  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Handbook

Click on a link to be taken to the entry below.

College Food Services

The snack bar and dining hall are operated by ARAMARK Food Services. The Hornet’s Nest Snack Bar is located on the second floor of Vail. This informal eating spot is open weekdays and evenings. On the weekends that school is in session, the snack bar is open for evening food service. Students may bring their own meals and eat them at the tables in the snack bar area.

The Thaddeus Stevens Dining Hall is located in its own building between the Stonehenge residence halls and the Library and Academic Center. Vegetarian and heart-healthy options are regularly available along with salads, sandwiches, pasta, and main-dish choices. Meals are served daily while classes are in session and for special occasions such as orientation, athletic camps, and summer programs. Special meals are offered to celebrate selected holidays and to add variety. A brochure about meal plan options, cost and use of the dining hall is available in the Student Affairs Office (Rita Bole 304) or the dining hall.

To utilize their meal plan, students must present their current student ID. If an ID card is lost, it must be reported immediately to the Director of Public Safety. A charge of $25.00 is assessed for the replacement of the lost card. The dining hall is closed other than for listed service hours. Food may not be taken from the dining hall unless approved by the Food Service Director. Students on a meal plan who must miss a meal for classes, sports, or other college-sanctioned events may obtain a box meal. Notify the staff in the dining hall at least one day before this option is needed.

Campus Dish and Food Service Website- Click here!

Public Safety Information

Please refer to the following link for information from the Department of Public Safety- click here

Parking and Vehicle Registration


These regulations have been established to protect the safety of faculty, staff, students and visitors and to control motor vehicle traffic and parking on campus so that college business may be conducted in an orderly manner. Parking or driving a motor vehicle on the LSC campus is a privilege and the owner and/or operator is responsible for seeing that his/her vehicle is neither operated nor parked in violation of these regulations or any regulations/laws of the state.

Every member of the campus community (faculty, staff and students) must register any motor vehicle they park on college property. Registration is done through the Public Safety Office and you are required to register your vehicle yearly (registrations are valid September 1 through August 31st). New, and renewal of, registrations must be done within the first two weeks of the semester. A vehicle is considered registered only when a current valid parking permit for that vehicle is properly displayed in the lower right side of the windshield (permit colors change yearly to ensure that a vehicle is currently registered). Vehicles on campus without a parking permit may receive a ticket and a fine. Additional information regarding vehicle registration, including if you change vehicles, can be provided by the Public Safety Office via e-mail. Also, their office is open 24/7, year round. This regulation will be enforced at all times.

College parking and traffic restrictions are indicated by these regulations and/or signs, street markings or curb markings. The issuance of a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space. Lack of space is not considered a valid excuse for a violation of the parking regulations.

It is the responsibility of all faculty, staff and students operating a motor vehicle on campus to learn and obey these parking and traffic regulations. Specific questions relating to these regulations may be directed to the Public Safety Office. 

The registrant is held responsible for any violation involving the registered vehicle (or the person who is responsible for registering the vehicle if it is not registered) when he/she is operating the vehicle or when another individual is using the vehicle. Students are responsible for parking infractions involving cars driven by those coming to visit them on the college campus.  For additional information on parking and Lyndon State College safety practices you should refer to the LSC Public Safety web page. 

Parking Violations

All parking and traffic violations are enforced by the Lyndon State College Public Safety Department. If a fine is not paid or an appeal not filed within seven working days from the date of the violation, the registrant will be liable for the fine. Fines must be paid in the Student Services Office. If the fine is not paid or an appeal is not filed in the seven day period, the fine is automatically added to the students account. The following is a list of some of the policies and violations.

Violations and Fines-  (not an exhaustive list)


  • No parking permit - $50.00
  • Parking in prohibited area - $25.00
  • Parking in roadway - $25.00
  • Parking in fire lane - $50.00
  • Blocking building access - $25.00
  • Driving on grassy area - $25.00
  • Interior campus - $50.00
  • Parking in handicapped space - $100.00
  • Blocking security gates - $50.00
  • Other - $25.00

Loss of Privileges

Flagrant violations of college parking and traffic regulations may result in loss of privileges to operate or park a motor vehicle on the campus. Reckless driving may result in a hearing and the hearing officer will determine any penalty. Cases maybe referred to the proper law enforcement agency. Please note that the third ticket you receive may result in towing and loss of parking privileges on campus.


An appeal for any penalty prescribed by these regulations must be made within seven working days following the date of violation by submitting a written appeal to the Lyndon State College Public Safety Office. This can be done by stopping by the Public Safety Office to complete an Appeal Form or sending your own written appeal through the inter-office or United States mail. If a fine is not paid or an appeal not filed within seven days from the date of the violation, the registrant will be liable for the penalty, and it will be charged to the student account with the Business Office. All fines and parking tickets must be paid in the Student Services Office.

Towing Policy

The college reserves the right to remove or impound any vehicle found on campus that is parked in a driveway, fire lane, or interior campus, blocking a loading dock or trash dumpster or parked in such a way as to constitute a hazard to vehicular and pedestrian traffic or to the movement or operation of emergency equipment. The owner will be responsible for the costs involved in removing or impounding and storing the vehicle. The paved area around the sculpture north of ATT are designated fire lanes to be clear of vehicles at all times and as interior campus roads. Interior campus is the portion of campus inside of the security gates.

Student Identification Cards

Photo IDs are issued during new student orientation each semester. With it, students may gain admission to movies, plays, dances, athletic events and other college programs. It also is used for borrowing materials from the library, cashing checks in the bookstore and gaining access to assigned residence halls. Students who purchase a meal plan will also use the card in the dining hall and snack bar. The identification card is an official document and it is nontransferable. The card is to be carried at all times while on campus and is to be shown at the request of authorized college personnel (e.g., Public Safety, Student Affairs and Residential Life staff and college administrators). Failure to present the card when requested is a violation of the school rules and subjects the holder to disciplinary action. The fee for replacement of a lost ID card is $25. Broken ID cards will be replaced at no charge.


If you use the lockers in the Vail first floor hallway and Harvey Academic Center you will have to register the locker number and your name at the Public Safety Office. If there are any questions, please contact the Public Safety Office at ext. 6452.

Automated Teller Machine

An automated teller is located in the lobby near the Student Center in Vail Hall. This machine is limited to cash-dispensing functions and cannot accept deposits or other types of transactions. There are no fees for cash withdrawal from Passumpsic Savings Bank accounts; however a transaction fee is assessed for withdrawals from accounts at other banks. Students may also cash checks at the college bookstore (see College Bookstore section).

Emergency Information

Protocol for a Student Medical Emergency on Campus

  • If life threatening: Call for ambulance 911 or 9-748-3111. Call Public Safety during regular business hours at ext. 6432. After business hours, call ext. 6452.
  • For non-life-threatening medical emergencies: Contact Health Services, ext. 6440. After business hours, contact the emergency room at Northeast Vermont Regional Hospital 748-8141 or Northeast Kingdom Mental Health 748-3181. You should also contact the Director of Residential Life, ext. 6417, or the Associate Dean of Student Affairs, ext. 6418.
  • Important Phone Numbers:
    • Ambulance, Fire, State police - 911 or 748-3111
    • Health Services - ext. 6440
    • George Hacking, Director of Public Safety - ext. 6432 pager 250-1020
    • Jonathan Davis, Associate Dean of Student Affairs - ext. 6418

Campus Emergency Evacuation Plan

In the case of an evacuation from a campus building, please-

  • Bring/wear clothing appropriate for the elements
  • Walk, don’t run, to the nearest exit.
  • Quickly check in rooms located adjacent to your room and coordinate assistance IF necessary. Assist individuals with disabilities in exiting the building and locating designated safe areas.
  • Do NOT use elevators!
  • Use posted evacuation routes to designated assembly areas
  • Stay near the floor if air is toxic, be alert for hazards, move quickly and quietly
  • Remain calm. Stay with your group until further instructions are received.
  • Designated persons will check bathrooms, elevators, basement and other common areas 

For students notified that they will be evacuated for an extended amount of time from their residence hall, they should concider bringing the following items with them:

  • Medications
  • Glasses/Contacts
  • A change of clothes
  • Toiletries
  • Flashlights/batteries
  • Cell phone and charger
  • Important documents (credit cards, driver’s license, etc)
  • Blanket/pillow
  • Toiletries
  • Food/beverages
  • First aid kit
  • Hand wipes
  • Water
  • Cash (with no power credit cards can be rejected and ATMs may not be operational)

Bomb Threats Only

There will be no use of elevators, two-way radios, cell phones or fire alarms to evacuate the buildings, as these mechanisms could activate a bomb. When an occurrence time is known, the building will be evacuated until at least one hour past the know time, as a safety margin. The Coordinator of Public Information will prepare the appropriate temporary signs for the building(s) affected.

Only trained personnel will do bomb searches. If an occurrence time is not known, no search will be done. If an occurrence time is known and a decision is made to search, the searcher(s) will leave the building at least one hour before the known occurrence time. If the area to be searched is too large to be accomplished in the known time (minus one hour), no search will be done. The threatened building(s) will be locked after evacuation to discourage unauthorized entry. Building lock-up is the responsibility of the Director of Public Safety, the Director of Physical Plant, the Maintenance/Custodial staff and the Residential Life staff.

 Violent Incidents

Individuals faced with deciding what to do in the face of a violent attack should take the following responses into consideration and then use the information available to make a personal decision concerning which response to choose.

If you see or know that a person has a firearm on campus, or if you hear shots fired on campus, or if you witness an armed person shooting people (active shooter), the following actions are recommended:

  • Exit the area immediately if it is safe to do so.
  • Notify anyone you may encounter to exit immediately.
  • Evacuate to a safe indoor location away from danger. If possible, go to another campus building. It may be necessary to leave the campus.

4)    Call 911 and provide the following information:

  • Your name
  • Location of the incident (be as specific as possible).
  • Number of shooters (if known).
  • Identification or description of shooter.
  • Number of persons involved.
  • Your location.

If you are directly involved in an incident and exiting the area is not possible, the following actions are recommended:

  • All students, faculty, staff and visitors should move into or stay inside a building.
  • Close and move away from all windows and doors.  Lock doors if possible.
  • If you cannot lock the door, use desks, chairs, door stops or other items to barricade the door.
  • Try to cover the door windows or block the view inside the room.

5)    Call 911 and provide the following information:

  • Your name
  • Location of the incident (be as specific as possible).
  • Number of shooters (if known).
  • Identification or description of shooter.
  • Number of persons involved.
  • Your location

6)   Remain quiet and act as if no one is in the room.
Do not answer the door.
Wait for police or Public Safety to assist you out of the building.

      Be mindful that violent attacks can involve any type of weapon, not only a gun. Knives, blunt objects, physical force, or explosives can be just as deadly as a handgun; the suggestions listed here would be applicable in any violent encounter.

 Missing Student Procedures


Lyndon State College maintains on-campus housing facilities and, therefore, a policy and procedures for investigating reports of missing students. It is the policy of Lyndon State College Public Safety to immediately investigate reports of missing students, regardless of the student’s age, or the length of time they have been reported missing, when it has been reported that the person’s last known whereabouts involves our campus.
Lyndon State College requires all students living on campus in an on-campus student residence hall be required to register a contact person to be notified in the case that student’s family needs to be contacted in the event of an emergency which includes being reported as “missing.”
It is Campus Public Safety policy to notify a missing student’s parents or guardians of a missing student if the student is under 18 years of age and not emancipated. Campus affiliates receiving an initial report of a missing student are to report the information to Campus Public Safety or the local police immediately. Campus Public Safety officers will follow the missing persons protocol located on file in the Campus Public Safety Office upon receiving an initial report.


 Campus Communications

Network and Email Connections

Residence hall rooms are equipped with connections to the college network. Information on establishing these connections is distributed by Student Affairs and Information Technology Services at orientation and through their offices. All students may use campus Internet and e-mail resources in the 24-hour computer lab, in the Library and Academic Center and in the computer classrooms. All students are required to check their LSC e-mail.

Cancelled Classes

Class cancellations are listed on a recording. Call 626-6767 for a listing of cancellations. Snow-day information is also available at this number.

  • WSTJ/WKXH 1340/105.5 (St. Johnsbury)
  • WGMT 97.7 (Lyndonville)
  • WIKE 1490AM (Newport)
  • WDEV 96.1FM/550AM (Waterbury)
  • WLVB 93.9 (Morrisville)
  • WLTN 96.7 (Littleton)
  • WWLR 91.5 (LSC station)

Modes of Communication on Campus

  • Mass e-mails can be sent out to all students, informing them of club events and activities that are planned. Banners, paper and markers can be signed out from the Student Activities Office; then the banners are hung in the ATT lobby. Bulletin boards are available for almost every club on campus, which they are responsible for keeping up-to-date. There are also other general boards that can be used to post notices.
  • The Buzz is a weekly newsletter which has the schedule and description of weekly student activities and is published by the Student Activities Office. The Buzz and can be found in the student center and at campus distribution points. The Critic is the college student newspaper. It is published periodically during the academic year and is available in the student center and at campus distribution points. WWLR, the student-run FM radio station, is powered by a 3000-watt transmitter and serves the college and the neighboring community. Broadcasts include varied programs of music, news, sports, weather and ski reports, and special features.
  • LSC-TV is a college-based live newscast featuring LSC students as anchors, reporters, producers, writers, meteorologists, photographers, editors and technicians. Student reporters and photographers travel the Northeast Kingdom covering scheduled and breaking news. LSC-TV is a CNN affiliate and is broadcast live on Charter Communications, Channel 7.
  • NewsNet provides a schedule of news and events at LSC and in the surrounding community. NewNet is published by the Institutional Advancement Office and is available on the LSC website.
  • Telephone - The college operates its own switch and voice-mail system. Every campus office and residence hall room has its own direct dial phone number. The college provides local and on-campus service to each student living in a residence room. Voicemail is available for residential students upon request to a RA or RHD.
  • Poster and Chalking Policy - In order to enhance communication regarding events and programs on campus, the following poster policy has been established. The intent of this policy is to curtail abuse and ensure that everyone has equal access to the bulletin board locations. This includes, but is not limited to posters in the traditional sense, table tents, banners, and fliers.
    • Posters:
      • Posters and signs may be placed on bulletin boards or notice boards but shall not be placed on top of existing current notices.
      • Only one active poster per event per board is permitted.
      • Posters may not be placed on any glass surfaces, including but not limited to doors, windows, partitions, or display cases except as authorized by the appropriate college official.
      • Tacks or staples shall be used on all bulletin boards to help maintain the cleanliness and preserve the overall appearance. Tape may only be used on the student center columns when posting.
      • Tape may not be used on any painted surface, including the ATT lobby balcony, to prevent the paint from peeling.
      • Banners may be hung on the ATT balcony with prior permission of a Student Activities Coordinator.
      • All banners, posters, and notices must clearly indicate contact information, a name/sponsoring organization, date, time and location and must be removed within 48 hours after the event.
      • Unauthorized removal of or tampering with a poster before an event date will be considered as vandalism, and the person(s) responsible may be brought up on charges.
      • A weekly examination of bulletin board locations will result in the removal of all posters which violate these policies.
      • Bulletin boards belonging to offices, academic departments, clubs, or organizations are not to be used by individuals outside the organization. Students and staff with responsibility for these boards have the right to remove posters not related to their club/organization.
      • Lyndon State College is an equal opportunity institution. Chalking and postering in violation of this mission is subject to immediate removal and those responsible may be brought up on judicial charges.
      • Lyndon State College serves as an institution of higher learning and realizes the dangers of alcohol abuse and chooses not to allow posters and chalking that encourages, promotes, or advertises alcoholic beverage consumption.
    • Chalking:
      • 1. The use of chalking for advertisements and announcements is permitted with water-soluble chalk on sidewalks only.
      • 2. A Student Activities Coordinator must be notified before chalking begins to ensure there is no conflict with other plans/events on campus.
      • 3. Chalking is not permitted on the exterior surface of buildings, walls, steps, exterior patios or building foyers, or any vertical surface, except as authorized by the appropriate college official.
  • LSC Mail

    Every student, whether residing at Lyndon or commuting, has an on-campus mailbox. Along with e-mail, students are also responsible for checking their campus mailbox. Students maintain the same mailbox number during the time they are enrolled at LSC. It is important to use that number on all incoming mail/packages in order to avoid delays in receipt. Your college I.D. is required to retrieve packages.

    Equally important is the need for students to keep the mailroom informed of any changes in student status and forwarding address. Remembering these steps will help to insure prompt delivery of your mail.

    • Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
    • Example of Correct Address:

      Your Name
      1001 College Road
      L.S.C. Campus Mailbox #
      Lyndon State College
      Lyndonville, VT 05851

    The 1001 College Road address must be on all package deliveries, i.e., UPS/FED EX/RPS, other than US Mail.

    If you have been issued a key for your mailbox, please don’t forget to turn it in to the mailroom when you graduate or leave school permanently. Lost keys can be replaced at a charge of $5.00. Stamps are available at the bookstore. Stamped mail drop boxes are located at HAC, second-floor Vail by the ATM and at the mailroom.

Student Activities

Mission Objectives

  • Facilitate development of leadership, interpersonal and communication skills through collaboration and educational programming with student organizations and student government
  • Enrich campus life through delivery of a variety of educational and entertainment opportunities, programs and services
  • Enhance student development through mentoring, joint programming and other collaborative activities
  • Promote an environment in which cultural diversity is valued and the uniqueness of the individual is respected through behavior modeling, programming focused on these topics and involvement with presenters and entertainers who are from minority groups and/or who address these issues

    Clubs and Organizations – www.lyndonstate.edu/studentlife

    • Social/Service Clubs
    • Academic Organizations/Honorarities
    • Media Organizations
    • Recreational Sports Club


Lyndon is a member of the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA - Division III), North Atlantic Conference (NAC), and the Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC). Intercollegiate competition includes women’s and men’s basketball, women’s and men’s soccer, men’s and women’s tennis, men’s and women’s cross country, men’s lacrosse, women’s volleyball, baseball, and softball.


Many students take advantage of our wide range of intramural sports to take a break from their academic routine. Over a dozen sports are available ranging from football, water sports and volleyball, to basketball, aerobics, tennis and wiffle ball.  In addition, there are less traditional activities such as board game nights and Super Bowl celebrations. Whether you like to be active in sports or enjoy watching professional sports, there is intramural programming throughout the week for you.


Lyndon’s campus recreational facilities are among the best in the region. The Rita L. Bole Center includes a fitness center, two racquetball courts, two gymnasiums, a new climbing wall and a 25 meter, six-lane swimming pool. Outdoors, there are tennis courts and fields for baseball, softball, and soccer. Skiers enjoy local cross-country trails while downhillers enjoy the facilities at nearby Burke Mountain, and the Lyndon Outing Club.