2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 08, 2025  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies & Procedures

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Student Responsibilities


You have come to Lyndon State College expecting to receive a high-quality education. We intend to make good on that promise by providing an atmosphere ideal for nurturing growth and learning. In turn, we have expectations concerning your attitude and actions.

What follows are edited and summarized versions of existing rules, regulations and policies contained in the Lyndon State College Policy Manual. Copies of the manual are in the College library, or can be viewed on the College’s web page. Ultimate responsibility for knowledge and observation of all academic rules rests with you.

Academic Advisors


When you are admitted to the college, you will be assigned an academic advisor in the area of your expressed academic interests and career objectives. Working with your advisor, you will select any required Basic Skills courses, appropriate General Education Unit courses, and the courses you need for your intended major programs. You can see your advisor on regular class days each semester during his or her scheduled office hours or by appointment. Advisors should serve as your first resource for discussion of academic problems and questions on academic policies. You should consult with your advisor about every course you intend to register for each semester, as well as any changes after the initial registration. Students may change advisors at any time by submitting a Change of Advisor Form to the Student Services Office.

Course Substitution Options


Students may request consideration of substitution of courses, previous learning, or previous experience for courses offered at the college in three ways: waiver, challenge, or assessment of prior learning.

  1. Waivers - Waivers of a specified LSC course for a required LSC course or of a transferred course for a required LSC course are approved by the Academic Standards Committee. Waiver forms are available at the Student Services Office. Although specific courses may be waived, the number of credits associated with those waived courses must be fulfilled through successful completion of other courses.
  2. Challenges - Students also may request college course credit for a previous, specific, non-classroom learning experience. Students must demonstrate possession of knowledge that would allow the award of credit. Maximum credits allowed through this “challenge” process are 12. Credits awarded by challenge will be treated as transfer credits. Course challenge forms are available at the Student Services Office. A payment of a fee is required.
  3. Assessment of Prior Learning - Employment experience, volunteer work, vocational or professional training can provide a substantial body of knowledge that may complement or substitute for formal college study. In cooperation with the Office of External Programs of the Vermont State Colleges, Lyndon awards credit for demonstrated competency from prior learning and life experience. Students enroll at the Community College of Vermont for the course Educational Assessment and Portfolio Preparation where they begin to document all activities related to college-level work. Students may request 13 or more credits using this option.

Course Offerings


The diversity of course offerings at Lyndon allow the faculty to employ a wide range of instructional strategies with students.  Lectures and seminars may be augmented by studio or laboratory work, or by independent or group research. Various courses use classroom and field experience with opportunities to explore techniques such as role playing or computer simulations. By using the descriptions of course offerings in this catalog and suggestions from instructors and faculty advisors, you can structure programs through which you may experience a variety of instructional techniques in meeting your educational or professional goals.

Credit Definition


The college uses a two-semester system of annual enrollment. Semesters are generally 15 weeks in length. A single-credit hour normally consists of either one hour of lecture or two hours of laboratory per week. In general, students can expect approximately two hours of work outside of class for each one hour of work in class.

Class Schedule


Lyndon’s catalog of course offerings over the current academic year appears in this publication. While the college will attempt to follow this schedule, changes in curriculum or in course enrollments may necessitate adjustments. While you and your advisor should use the catalog for planning, Lyndon is not responsible for any changes in your plans that might be caused by necessary alterations in this tentative schedule.

The final version of the college’s Class Schedule is the official announcement of course offerings for that semester. The college reserves the right to make changes regarding the announced instructors for courses or to cancel courses for lack of sufficient enrollment.

Internships and Cooperative Education


While there is great value in your classroom experience, one of the best ways to learn is to combine your classroom education with practical work experience under the guidance of your college professors.  The Internship and Cooperative Education Program provides this important experience.

Students hold internships in diverse settings including social service agencies, local newspapers, ski areas, and radio and television stations. In all internships and co-ops, students are introduced to opportunities, duties and responsibilities in their desired career areas. In many cases, students are paid by the employer for the work experience.

All students with sophomore standing, a 2.0 grade-point average, and at least one semester at Lyndon State College are eligible to participate in the program through departments sponsoring Internships and Cooperative Education placements. Some departments have additional requirements (such as completion of specialized courses or the General Education Unit). Educational goals and appropriate assignments for each course are developed by the supervising faculty member in consultation with the student. The faculty supervisor receives biweekly reports from the student and conducts on-site visits. Internships and Cooperative Education courses are measured in credit hours and are graded.

A minimum of 50 hours of approved work experience, plus documentation and evaluation of learning by the student, are required for each credit hour granted for an Internship and Cooperative Education experience. See the Career Services Office for complete regulations.

Veterans’ Benefits for Co-Op Courses


In compliance with the requirements of VA Regulation 14265, eligible co-op courses that are accepted by the Vermont State Approval Agency and certified by Lyndon as “in-residence” course work must be directly supervised by the college, be required for graduation, include regularly scheduled class attendance of at least 50 minutes per week to provide for interaction between instructor and student, consist of a planned program of activities controlled by the school and not by the official of the job establishment, and include a schedule of time required for the training that demonstrates that the student shall spend at least as much time in preparation and training as is normally required for other resident courses.

Because the Cooperative Education contract must be submitted to the State Approval Agency, there may be some delay in receipt of the first VA benefit check for the semester. Cooperative Education courses not meeting the requirements of VA Regulation 14265 shall be certified as “independent study” and as such are not treated by the VA as full-time attendance unless combined with more than halftime in-residence course work.

Independent Study


Sometimes students discover a need to cover special topics or projects which are not available in the current schedule. An Independent Study course creates a special curriculum in which a student and a faculty member may explore these areas. The Independent Study is offered at the discretion of the various departments and is normally supervised only by full-time faculty members. The Independent Study must include a learning contract signed by the student, the student’s advisor, the instructor, the chair of the sponsoring department, and the Dean of Academic and Student Affairs. The contract is available in the Student Services Office.

Attendance in Courses


We believe that sound scholarship includes attendance in all class meetings. When the instructor has not announced an attendance policy, a student who misses more than twice the number of class meetings per week in any course may be dismissed from that course with a failing grade.

Classroom Behavior


The college recognizes the right of the instructor to control the academic environment of the classroom; disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. A faculty member may insist that a student leave the classroom or laboratory if the student is disruptive and does not heed a first warning. Should a faculty member determine that a disruptive student should be dismissed from a class for the remainder of the term with a failing grade, there shall be a written statement to the student, citing the student’s right of appeal under Policy 151-XIII, and with copies to the Registrar and the Dean of Academic and Student Affairs.

Electronic Device Classroom Use


Electronic devices cannot be used in class unless instructionally relevant to the class.  It is the preogative of the instructor to establish his or her own policy for electronic devices.  However, because Lyndon utilizes cell phones as part of its emergency warning system for campus-wide emergencies, an instructor may designate a person as a point of contact and allow that person access to her/his cell phone.

Academic Honesty


Academic dishonesty is a serious offense against the college and its entire community of learners. Academic dishonesty includes any act that is intended to deceive, cheat, or defraud so as to enhance or promote one’s own or another’s academic standing, or to diminish another’s academic standing. Academic dishonesty also includes plagiarism.

An instructor suspecting a student of academic dishonesty shall inform the student of the charge, its basis in fact, and the appeals policy. Instructors may impose sanctions to include failure in the assignment, failure in the course, and dismissal from the course. Other possible judicial sanctions may be imposed by the Dean of Academic and Student Affairs or the Academic Standards Committee following appropriate notice from the faculty member. Students may appeal the action of an instructor under the general procedure for “Academic Appeals,” which is included near the end of this section.

For a more complete description of the official policy on academic honesty, please refer to the Lyndon State College Academic Policy Manual.

Basic Skills Competencies


Students enter college with varying degrees of academic preparation in areas that are essential to academic success. These areas include English, mathematics, and reading and study skills. These competencies may be satisfied by LSC placement test, suitable transfer credit, CLEPS, Advanced Placement exams or successfully completing the following Basic Skills courses: ENG 0030, MAT 0010, MAT 0221 (see Course Offerings for full descriptions of these courses). These courses do not confer credit toward graduation, but satisfying all these competencies is a requirement for graduation.  Students who test into six or more credits of Basic Skills are limited to a total of thirteen credits in their first semester.

Basic Skills courses must be taken every semester until they are passed. Students not passing the tests or courses by the end of the second semester of full-time enrollment, will not be granted sophomore standing until such time as the requirement is fulfilled. Students with disabilities are invited to work with the Academic Support staff for assistance in fulfilling this requirement. Accommodations are available for students with qualifying disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and appropriate sections of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Academic Standing and Grading


Academic Standing

Lyndon recognizes four categories of academic standing:

  1. Good Standing: For all matriculated students who have fewer than 30 earned or GPA credits, good academic standing is sustained by maintaining a cumulative GPA of 1.75 or higher. For all matriculated students who have 30 or more earned or GPA credits, good academic standing is sustained by maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher. Students must also satisfy the Basic Skills requirement by the end of their second semester.
  2. Probation: Students are placed in this status when the cumulative GPA falls below Good Standing. A student may not register for more than 16 credit hours during Probation, and must confirm registration in all courses through the Academic Support Center.
  3. Academic Dismissal: Students on Probation who fail to raise their cumulative GPA to Good Standing level in the subsequent semester will be dismissed. A first dismissal under Academic Standing policy precludes enrollment for a minimum of one semester. This dismissal may be appealed. Students who leave the College while on probation, or who are readmitted following dismissal, remain on probation. Students who are readmitted and fall again below Good Standing will be dismissed and will not be readmitted for a minimum of two years. Students who have been dismissed may not enroll in courses offered by the College during the period of their dismissal.
  4. Academic Early Dismissal: Students failing to achieve a grade point average of 1.00 or better at the end of their first semester of enrollment will be immediately dismissed from the college for a minimum of one semester.


Lyndon recognizes the necessary right of instructors to assign grades to student academic performance. Grades given under an instructor’s informed judgment and without prejudice are an essential part of the exercise of academic freedom. Students who believe that a grade was assigned with undue treatment or procedural error should consult the “Academic Appeals” section.

With the exception of Incompletes, most changes of grade, including those requested by the instructor, must be approved by the Academic Standards Committee of the Faculty Assembly.

Semester and Cumulative Grade-Point Averages

Quality points earned in each course are calculated by multiplying the number of quality points for each letter-grade by the number of credits in the course. Thus, a three-credit course graded A will yield 12 quality points, and a five-credit course graded B yields 15 quality points.

The semester grade-point average is calculated by dividing the total letter-graded credit hours attempted during the semester into the total quality points earned during the semester. The cumulative grade-point average is calculated by dividing the total letter-graded credit hours attempted into the total quality points earned.

The following letter grades are used at Lyndon and employed to calculate the semester and cumulative grade-point averages:

Letter Grade    Point Value    Credit Earned    P/NP









































































































Special Grade Notations

For the following types of courses instructors may decide whether or not to provide a written evaluation as part of the transcript in addition to the regular grade, or whether to allow the student to decide within the first week of classes to request a written evaluation: cooperative education, student teaching, practicum, internship, field work, independent study, and special studies.

Grade   Legend   Credit Earned








no pass










transfer credit













Students may enroll in a course on a P/NP basis in three instances:

  1. The course is identified in the Class Schedule as being given on a P/NP basis.
  2. The instructor may allow each student in a class to determine individually a preferred method of grading. Courses open to student choice of grading method are so identified in the Class Schedule. This option may be exercised within the add period and may not subsequently be changed. If no option is stated, a letter grade will be assigned.
  3. Each semester juniors and seniors may select one letter graded course, not used to fulfill the General Education Unit or specified program requirements, to be graded on a P/NP basis. The selection must be made before the end of the add period and appear on the student’s registration form. This option is designed to encourage juniors and seniors to enroll in challenging courses without the risk of lowering their gradepoint averages.


A grade of Incomplete indicates the course was not completed for reasons that were beyond the student’s control and acceptable to the instructor. The student is allowed a specified period of time, not to exceed the end of the seventh week of the semester immediately following award of the “I”, to complete the course. Failure to satisfy the course requirements in the period stipulated shall result in a grade of F or NP (instructors have the option of assigning a default grade other than F). While work on the incomplete course is still in progress, academic standing is determined by the student’s other grades. However, the student is ineligible for inclusion on the Dean’s List or President’s List until all work is completed.

Non-Use of Grades and Credits

With the approval of the new academic advisor and Academic Standards Committee, a student may choose to exclude selected grades earned at the college from the computation of the cumulative grade-point average. This request may be made only when changing majors, for courses that are required in the former major but are not required in the new major, and only once in the Vermont State College academic career.

Students may request “non-use of grades” for any courses eliminated from the curriculum by Faculty Assembly or that have not been taught for five years. Use requires a compelling reason, stated in writing on the appropriate form.

Applying this policy also means the credit earned in courses whose grades are not used will be lost, the new resulting gradepoint averages shall not retroactively affect probation and dismissal status, and the original record of courses, grades, and credits will remain on the transcripts with a notation of their non-use.

Class Standing

The College determines the student’s class standing as follows:

Credit Hours Earned


Class Standing

0 - 29.9



30 - 59.9



60 - 89.9



90 and over



Note: Seniors will not be allowed to register with their class until completing the General Education Unit.



Award of Degree

Students must meet graduation and degree requirements - including satisfactory completion of appropriate graduation standards - as published in a single catalog that is in effect during or after the semester of their first enrollment, and published not more than seven years prior to the award of the degree (that is, the current academic year plus the previous six academic years).

Catalogs, until surpassed by the next edition, have an effective date of the first day of the fall semester of the year in which they are published. A student who began study in a degree program while the program was then available, and who completes requirements within the specified time limits, may be awarded a degree even if the program is not listed in the most current catalog. For a complete discussion of policies and regulations for degree programs, please refer to the Lyndon State College Academic Policy Manual.

Application for Award of Degree

The responsibility for your education ultimately rests in your own hands. Likewise, the timely completion of the paperwork associated with the award of your degree is your responsibility as well. Failure to take the required steps for review and application for degree may delay your graduation even if all other graduation requirements have been completed. The Registrar and Records Specialist - Graduation are available to review the academic records of seniors.

Only students who are currently matriculated may graduate. Students absent from the college and not on a Leave of Absence who are seeking to complete a degree with Lyndon courses must apply for readmission.

It is highly recommended that graduates submit a “Request to Graduate” form and a computer generated Program Evaluation or a “Plan of Study” Form (for graduate students) a full year prior to anticipated graduation. However, the final deadline for filing the appropriate paperwork is:

For December graduates — at the end of the spring registration period for fall classes (this is normally in April).
For May and August graduates — at the end of the fall registration period for spring classes (this is normally in November).

If a student files past these deadlines, the late request must be approved by the Academic Dean (or designee). Program Evaluation and Request to Graduate forms will not be accepted for processing for the May graduation after March 15th; that is, the student will not be allowed to participate at that May’s graduation, and their official date of completion of graduation requirements will be listed in August.

Satisfaction of graduation requirements, including coursework and graduation standards, will be monitored by the Registrar’s Office and the Dean of Academic and Student Affairs. If it appears that graduation requirements will not be met, the student and the appropriate department chair will be notified. Any rectifying response, including waiver decisions, must be arranged in such a way that all graduation requirements, with the exception of courses to be taken in the last semester, will be satisfied by the first day of the semester of expected graduation. Failure to do so may delay graduation, even if all requirements are completed prior to the intended date.

Minimum Acceptable Grades and Cumulative Grade Point Averages

The minimum acceptable grade is a C- or P for the granting of transfer credit and the fulfillment of prerequisite, major, minor, certificate, and GEU requirements. The minimum acceptable grade is a D- or P for the fulfillment of unrestricted electives. A minimum acceptable cumulative grade point average of 2.00 is required in the sets of courses submitted to fulfill the GEU, all undergraduate majors, certificate, all Associate’s Degrees, and all Bachelor’s Degrees.

Conferring of Degree

Commencement and conferral of degrees occurs only once each year in the ceremony that takes place at the end of the spring semester. At the end of the summer session students who have requested a degree will have their academic records reviewed for graduation by the Records Specialist - Graduation, the sponsoring department and Academic Standards Committee, for forwarding to the faculty governing body, known as Faculty Assembly, for approval at its monthly meetings. Students awarded degrees in August are considered members of the graduating class of the following May but will receive a Registrar’s letter certifying that they have earned the degree. Students who complete their degree requirements at the end of fall are designated as having graduated in that December. December graduates participate in a December Graduates celebration and are welcome to participate in Commencement the following May. Only students who have been approved for graduation, and fully satisfied all graduation requirements, or are within 4 credits, or one course of completing all requirements, will be allowed to participate in the May commencement ceremony. Diplomas bear the date of the actual completion of degree requirements.



Academic Record

The Lyndon State College official academic record identifies the student, the basis of admission to the college, previous higher education and courses transferred, academic work pursued at Lyndon, and information pertinent to academic standing, such as notices of probation or dismissal, Dean’s List honors, waivers or other documents affecting progress toward a degree. No information concerning non-academic discipline appears in the academic record.

Students have the right to inspect their academic records and challenge any information that they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. Files must be reviewed in the Student Services Office.

In accordance with practices recommended by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, Lyndon maintains this official academic record for each student. No record is made or maintained unless there is a demonstrable need for it, which is reasonably related to the basic purpose and necessities of the college. No records shall be kept that will discriminate by race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, creed or disability in employment or provision of services.

For further information on the policy governing the inclusion of information and maintenance of academic records, ask at the Student Services Office. Portions of the students academic record are available online at blackboard.vsc.edu (click on Web Services).

Transcript of Academic Course Work

An official transcript or copy of your course work is one that bears the seal of the college, the date of issue, and the signature of the certifying official.   For each official copy, except for transcripts used at Lyndon for advising, you must submit a written request and payment of fee (if applicable).

It is College policy not to issue grades or transcripts to students with outstanding financial obligations to the college.

Release of Records and Information

In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, Lyndon State College will not release personally identifiable records of a student to any individual, agency, or organization without the student’s prior written consent, except as provided by the law.

Lyndon may maintain student “directory information” which is information which would not generally be considered harmful to the student or an invasion of privacy, if disclosed.  For the purposes of this policy, directory information includes name, home and college address, telephone listing, college e-mail address, date of birth, major, enrollment status (full-time or part-time), enrollment level (undergraduate or graduate), dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, weight and height of athletic team members, photographs, most recent and previous educational institution attended, and  participation in officially recognized activities and sports. Unless the student notifies the college that it should not be released, this information will be made available at the discretion of college officials.

A complete statement of Lyndon policy regarding the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is published on the Lyndon State College website.

False Information and Misuse of College Documents

Furnishing false information or forging, altering, or misusing college documents, records, identification cards or contracts is not acceptable conduct and is punishable through the college judicial process.

Residency Requirement and Matriculation

A matriculated student is one who has been formally accepted by the college as being registered in a degree program. All matriculated students have a minimum number of credit hours that must be taken at Lyndon State. For Bachelor’s candidates, the residency requirement is that 30 of the last 39 credit hours must be achieved in courses specifically taken at Lyndon State College. For Associate candidates, 15 of the last 21 credit hours must be achieved in courses specifically taken at Lyndon State College.

Transfer Credit

Courses completed within the Vermont State Colleges are treated as if taken at Lyndon State College and automatically appear on the student’s Lyndon transcript.

Lyndon grants transfer credit for courses taken at regionally approved higher education institutions with the following general provisions:

  1. the grade previously earned must be at least “C-,” or “Credit” where credit is equal to at least a “C-“;
  2. proper and official documentation of previous work must be submitted along with the request for evaluation. Students are responsible for having the other institution submit an official transcript directly to the Lyndon State College Registrar’s Office, from which the Associate Registrar will assign course equivalency.

Note that courses taken over ten years prior to (re)admission that fulfill major departmental requirements will be subject to review by the major department. Also, general education courses taken over ten years prior to (re)admission will be reviewed by the Registrar’s Office.

As long as matriculated students follow the residency rule mentioned in the previous section, they may enroll in courses at other institutions and receive equivalent transfer credit at Lyndon. Students should seek advance approval by submitting an off-campus study form provided by the Student Services Office and a copy of course descriptions prior to the beginning of class.

A complete discussion of official policy on transfer credits can be found in the College’s Academic Policy Manual which can be found in the college library.

Registration in Courses

Students are considered to be registered in their courses:

  1. If they have filed all necessary forms for establishing and changing their schedules with the Student Services Office within stated deadlines and/or if they have registered for courses in conjunction with meeting with their academic advisor. The Student Services Office requires additional registration forms for courses undertaken through Cooperative Education or Independent Study; and
  2. If they have obtained Business Office clearance.


During the Add/Drop period, students may change course schedules by filling out the appropriate forms with the Student Services Office and submitting them within the deadline. Changes in registration are the student’s responsibility and an “add” or “drop” is not official until the required signatures, if any, are obtained and the form is returned to and validated by the Student Services Office. Instructors are not able to change registrations on class lists or on grade sheets. The Add/Drop period is the first two weeks of a semester.

For financial charges for Add/Drop, please see the section on Student Expenses.

Student Course Load

A normal course load is 15 to 16 credit hours per semester. Full-time undergraduate students must carry at least 12 credit hours. To carry more than 18 credit hours, a student must obtain written approval from the advisor and the Dean of Academic and Student Affairs (or designee), and have a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.00.  It is highly recommended that first year students limit their course load to 15 credits.


Every matriculated student, whether residing at Lyndon or commuting from an off-campus residence, is assigned a campus mailbox. The college is not responsible for any failure to communicate a financial or academic notice to any student failing to pick up mail from their assigned campus box.

Auditing Courses

Students may audit a course with the approval of the Registrar and the course instructor. No grade or credit is conferred. After the deadline for adding a course, no change will be made either to allow credit for a course audited, or to change a regular course to the status of an audited course. For financial charges for auditing a course, please see the section below on Student Expenses.

Repeating Courses

Unless a course is designated as one that can be repeated for credit, no additional credits will be awarded for repeating a course in which a student has already received a passing grade. The transcript will maintain the original record of the course as well as the new registration and grade; the cumulative gradepoint average will reflect the last grade earned. Students must have permission from the Dean of Academic and Student Affairs to enroll in a course more than twice.

Financial Clearance

All students must be financially cleared by the end of the add/drop period.  Students who are delinquent in financial obligations may not attend classes, enroll for succeeding semesters, participate in graduation, or receive transcripts.

Leave and Withdrawal


Leave of Absence

Students may request a leave of absence for up to two semesters by submitting a form (available at the Student Services Office) to the Registrar. Leave will not be granted retroactively or after the first week of a semester.

A leave of absence does not suspend the rule that you must fulfill the requirements of the catalog in effect during or after the semester of your first enrollment and published not more than seven years prior to the award of the degree (see “Graduation”).

Students granted leave are not required to apply for readmission, but are treated as returning students under College policies. Arrangements must be made with the students’ advisor for advising and registration by April 1st for the following fall semester and by October 1st for the following spring semester.

Students on leave seeking to reserve residence hall accommodations must file their requests with the Office of Student Affairs by the listed dates.

Leaves may be extended for yearly periods upon written request and approval.

Withdrawal from the College

  1. While the college does not seek to keep a student enrolled when it is clear that college attendance is not in the student’s best interest, the college will not allow a student to withdraw merely to avoid failing grades.
  2. Students seeking to withdraw voluntarily from the college must present a properly completed Withdrawal Form to the Student Services Office for approval. After acceptance of the withdrawal, the Student Services Office will, as soon as feasible, inform the student’s academic advisor, instructors, and all appropriate administrative offices of the withdrawal.
  3. The official date of withdrawal is determined as follows:
    1. The Registrar will determine the official date of withdrawal based on the date the Withdrawal Form is submitted.
    2. If the student leaves the college without notifying the college (that is, if the student does not withdraw officially), the last recorded date of class attendance by the student, as documented by the college, may be used as the official date of withdrawal.
  4. Failure to withdraw officially will lead to grades of “F” (or “NC”) in all courses, as appropriate.
  5. If the date of withdrawal is:
    1. Within the first two weeks of classes: no record will appear on the transcript; student will be considered as not having attended, for purposes of the academic record.
    2. Within the third through the eighth week of classes, the transcript:
      1. will indicate the courses of registration;
      2. will indicate the date of withdrawal.
    3. After the first eight weeks of a term:
      1. Students may withdraw from the college without any academic penalty only by intervention of the Dean and only after they present to the Dean satisfactory evidence that they must withdraw for unusual and compelling reasons. Such reasons shall normally be limited to those of mental or physical ill health, and evidence must include a signed statement of a physician or other person accepted by the college as qualified to make such a judgment;
      2. The decision to grant the late withdrawal will be made by the Dean of Academic and Student Affairs with the right of appeal to the Academic Standards Committee;
      3. The transcript will indicate the date of withdrawal, the courses of registration, and a grade of “W” in those courses.
  6. Adjustments for tuition and fees will be based upon the date a completed withdrawal form is validated by the Registrar. Financial aid may also be adjusted based on withdrawal date. Orientation fees are non-refundable.  Room and board charges will be adjusted based upon the date the room checkout process is complete.

Students who withdraw or are dismissed during the semester will be credited for tuition, and appropriate fees on a similar daily pro-rata schedule used to calculate return of Title IV funds. Students who withdraw and end on-campus residency will be credited for room and board until the end of the term on the same pro-rata schedule.


  1. Students who withdraw or are dismissed during the first week (seven calendar days) of the semester will be credited 100% of tuition and fees.
  2. Students who withdraw after the 60% point of the semester will receive no credit for tuition, fees, and room and board.



Academic Awards and Prizes

The highest recognition given to graduating seniors in the various bachelor programs is election to the Arthur B. Elliott Honor Society. The Society, established in 1960, honors a former president of the college. Election by members of the faculty and senior class is in recognition of outstanding leadership, scholarship and service to the college community.

The leading graduating scholars of the senior class in bachelor programs receive the Rita L. Bole Award for Outstanding Scholarship established by the Alumni Council in 1962 to honor the college’s first president. It is conferred on the basis of one’s cumulative grade-point average as of the end of the fall semester prior to commencement.

Graduating students who have completed 62 letter-graded credits in the VSC are eligible for Latin honors. Cum Laude requires a minimum 3.50 cumulative grade-point average, Magna Cum Laude requires a 3.70, and Summa Cum Laude requires a 3.90. Latin honors designations are indicated on the student’s diploma and transcript and in the commencement brochure. Honors are calculated as of the end of the fall semester prior to commencement.

Other curricular awards are also presented at the close of the spring term to graduating seniors in specific areas of study. For details on these please see the Registrar’s Office.

Dean’s List

To promote scholarship, the college has established the Dean’s List and President’s List. The appropriate status is conferred for a semester of achievement of academic excellence.  For inclusion on the Dean’s List you must have completed a minimum of 12 graded credits, without incomplete or failing grades, and have a minimum grade-point average of 3.50.

Students are placed on the President’s List upon additional achievement of a semester grade-point average of 4.00 with at least 15 letter-graded credits and grades in at least four different courses.

Dean’s List and President’s List status will not be evaluated until all appropriate courses have been graded.

Academic Appeals


Appeals of Academic Standing

At the end of each semester the college makes decisions on academic standing (see section on academic standing for definitions). The letter notifying students of these decisions includes a time frame for appeals. All students will be accorded opportunity for due process.

The student’s written appeal must contain clear statements of the basis for the appeal. The Academic Standards Committee will meet to review the appeal, render a decision, and notify the student and the President in a timely manner. Students may appeal the committee’s decision by sending a written statement to the President. The President, or the President’s designee, will rule on the appeal within a reasonable period of time and inform the student and the Academic Standards Committee of the ruling in writing. The President’s (or designee’s) decision shall be the last college appeal.

Appeals of Section 504 (the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) and of ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990)

For this section, working days are defined as days when the majority of College Administrative Offices are scheduled to be open for business.

A Lyndon student who feels that she or he has not received appropriate accommodations from the college for a documented disability has a right to file a complaint under the ADA. Students may also file complaints under Section 504. This procedure is designed to protect the rights of qualified disabled persons while also preserving the discretion of the college under the above statutes.

Students with complaints may use an informal process, presenting their complaints to the Dean of Academic and Student Affairs or Dean of Administrative Affairs. A complaint must be submitted within 30 working days of the date on which the complainant could reasonably have known of the alleged denial or omission of an appropriate accommodation. Consulting with faculty or staff as well as the student, the Academic Dean or Dean of Administrative Affairs will issue a written statement of resolution within 30 working days.

Formal appeals from a complaint resolution must be presented in writing to the President within 15 working days of receipt of the resolution. The President shall conduct an investigation of the complaint within a reasonable amount of time. The complainant may be represented by another college student or employee during the college process of appeal. Within 30 working days of the receipt of the appeal, the President shall issue a written decision, which shall be the final college ruling on the complaint.

There are four government avenues of complaint for alleged discrimination or failure to provide reasonable accommodations under Section 504. The second U.S. District Court has held that Section 504 permits private actions and that exhaustion of administrative actions is not a prerequisite to judicial action. Thus, a student may simultaneously or separately file complaints:

  1. through the Vermont Attorney General’s office;
  2. through a civil action in a Vermont district court;
  3. through the college’s appeals process; or
  4. with the Regional Civil Rights Director.

Appeals of Other Academic Policies

For this section, working days are days of the academic calendar defined each year by the LSC Faculty Federation and Administration.

Students may appeal actions and decisions involving academic policies where they allege unfair and/or wrongful treatment or procedural errors. Students are entitled to due process in accordance with the guidelines contained in the paragraphs which immediately follow below. This policy is intended both to preserve academic freedom and to recognize students’ rights.

Both an informal and a formal appeal process are available. In the informal appeal process students discuss their concerns with the instructor and/or the Associate Academic Dean, who is available as a neutral facilitator to aid in clarifying issues and resolving differences. Experience has shown the informal process to be a successful approach to resolving many concerns. Students are encouraged to use the informal process before filing a formal appeal.

Students may initiate a formal appeal by sending a written appeal to the Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, with a copy to the instructor, by the end of the semester following the action being appealed. The Dean of Academic and Student Affairs may extend the deadline in extenuating circumstances. This written appeal must contain clear statements of the action being appealed and the basis for the appeal. Within 10 working days of receipt of the appeal, the Dean will either resolve the case or ask the chair of the Academic Standards Committee to initiate a hearing. In cases where the Dean’s resolution is not to the student’s or instructor’s satisfaction, either may, within 10 working days, request a hearing before the Academic Standards Committee. Within 10 working days of receipt of the request, the committee will notify the student and the Dean of its decision either to decline to hear the case or to conduct a hearing within 20 days of their decision.

In the cases where the Academic Standards Committee conducts a hearing, the chair of the Academic Standards Committee is responsible for conducting a closed hearing, although the student shall have a right to an open hearing upon written request. The following persons shall be invited to the hearing: all Academic Standards Committee members except members directly involved in the case, the student, the instructor, the Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, and an advisor (if desired) selected by the student from among the college’s full-time faculty, staff, or students. The student shall be advised in advance of witnesses to be called, and of the facts to which they will testify, and shall have the right to present witnesses or affidavits on his/her behalf. Any witnesses called will be present only during their own testimony. A record of the hearing shall be taken by the committee and maintained by the Faculty Secretary for at least one year. Within five working days of the committee’s decision, the chair will send written notice of the committee’s findings and decision to the student, the Dean, and the instructor.

Either the student or the instructor may, in cases where the appealing party alleges unfair treatment or procedural error by the Academic Standards Committee, appeal the decision of that committee within 10 days to the President, who may decline to hear the appeal. The President will rule on the appeal within a reasonable period of time, and shall inform the Academic Standards Committee of the disposal of the case. The President’s decision shall be the last college academic appeal.

Excess Credit Policy

For credits in excess of 18 per semester, students will be charged for each credit, or partial credit, in addition to the fulltime tuition fee.

Supplemental billings for excess tuition are issued at the end of the add period, at which time students are held liable for the total number of credit hours for courses in which they are then enrolled. See each semester’s course schedule for dates of Add/Drop.

Any student who believes that there has been an incorrect charge for an overload should first try to resolve the problem directly with the Student Services Office and the Business Office. If a satisfactory result is not obtained, a written appeal should be made to:

Dean of Administration for appeals based on incorrect charge of tuition or similar financial reasons, or Dean of Academic and Student Affairs for appeals based on incorrect recording of class load or similar academic reasons.

Human Subjects Research

To ensure the minimal potential physical and psychological risk to participants, all human subjects research conducted at the College or by any student or employee of the College will comply with all applicable LSC and VSC policies and state and federal laws (especially Federal Title 45 CFR Part 46). The College has established an Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects Research (IRB) to monitor this compliance. Details may be obtained from the Office of the Dean of Academic and Student Affairs.