2022-2023 Graduate Catalog 
    Sep 19, 2024  
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

University-Wide Polices

VSC Policies 311 & 311A: Non-Discrimination & Prevention of Harassment and Related Unprofessional Conduct

The Vermont State Colleges System (VSCS) and each member institution, including Northern Vermont University, do not discriminate based on race, color, creed, ancestry, ethnicity, national origin, place of birth, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, veteran status, marital status, HIV status or any other status protected by law. Sexual harassment, racial harassment and harassment based on other protected categories also are forms of discrimination and are not tolerated. Further, inappropriate sexual relationships between staff and students are prohibited even if they do not rise to the level of sexual harassment.

This policy of non-discrimination applies to the application processes for admissions and employment, academic and residential programs, employment practices and policies, scholarship and loan programs, and all programs and facilities, including athletics. Northern Vermont University is an equal opportunity employer.

Sexual misconduct, which includes sexual harassment and sexual violence is a form of sex discrimination and therefore is a violation of VSC Policy 311 as well as federal (Title IX) and state law.

VSC Policy 311-A, adopted in September 2014, relates to sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and related conduct. It calls for prompt and appropriate remedial action to stop the misconduct shall be taken, including student suspension, dismissal or expulsion of students; suspension or termination of employment; and referral for criminal investigation and prosecution under Vermont law.

VSC Policies 311 and 311-A can be read in their entirety by selecting “Student Affairs Policies” in the Policies & Procedures section of the VSC website at www.vsc.edu.

To initiate a formal or informal complaint of discrimination or harassment, or for further information, contact Assistant Academic Dean Jo Ann Lamore, NVU-Johnson’s Policy 311 Coordinator, at 802.635.1243 or by email to Jo.Lamore@NorthernVermont.edu.

For accommodations in order to apply for admission, please contact the Office of Academic Support Services at 802.635.1264 (NVU-Johnson) or 802.626.6210 (NVU-Lyndon); if accommodations are needed for employment, please contact the Dean of Administration at 802.635.1208.

Title IX

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on gender in any educational program or activity. The law states that “no person in the United States shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” The amendment in 1987 expanded the definition of program or activity to include all the operations of an educational institution, governmental entity, or private employer that receive federal funds. Sexual misconduct, including sexual violence and harassment, are prohibited by Title IX as well as by state law and by VSC and Northern Vermont University policies. The Title IX Campus Coordinator at NVU-Johnson is Associate Dean of Students Michele Whitmore, who can be reached by phone at 802.635.1200 or Michele.Whitmore@northernvermont.edu.

Federal Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. The primary rights afforded to each student include but are not limited to the right to inspect and review their education records, the right to amend incorrect records and the right to limit disclosure of information from the records.

In accordance with federal law and regulations issued by the Department of Education, the Vermont State Colleges System (VSCS) has adopted policies and procedures for each of its institutions. The institutions within the VSCS are: Castleton University, Northern Vermont University, Vermont Technical College, and the Community College of Vermont. The purpose of this VSCS policy is to provide guidance on the rights of inspection and the prohibitions against unauthorized dissemination of educational information. The VSCS’s FERPA policy is available on the Portal under VSC Public Info and Data (see VSC Policy and Procedures / Student Affairs / Policy 312) and at the Advising and Registration Center at NVU-Johnson and Student Services at NVU-Lyndon.

More information is available from:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave. SW
Washington, DC20202-4605
Email: FERPA@ed.gov
Telephone: (202) 260.3887
Fax: (202) 260.9001

Federal Clery Act Compliance

In compliance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy & Campus Statistics Act [20 USC 1092(f)], NVU’s Department of Public Safety prepares and publishes an annual campus security and fire safety report each October 1 for the purpose of disclosing campus crime and fire statistics, security policies and enforcement. This report includes information about the university’s alcohol and drug policies, sexual-assault education and prevention programs, and procedures for reporting and handling reports of sexual assaults. The report is available online, or you may request a printed copy from the Office of Public Safety.

The Office of Public Safety is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. An officer on duty at NVU-Johnson can be reached anytime by calling 802.635.1205 (or extension 51205 from a campus phone), or at NVU-Lyndon by calling 802.626.6452 (or extension 66452 from a campus phone).

Photographs & Videos

Northern Vermont University and its representatives occasionally take photographs and record videos for use by the university in print and electronic media. This statement serves as public notice of the university’s intent to do so and as a release to the university of permission to use such images and recordings as it deems fit. Students may withdraw their consent to appear in photos or videos created by the university and its representatives by completing a form available from the Advising and Registration Center at NVU-Johnson or Student Services at NVU-Lyndon.