2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Exercise Science - Lyndon
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Katie Bouley, Associate Professor
Gregory Ledoux, Associate Professor
Aimee Pascale, Assistant Professor
Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science:
Health Fitness - Strength and Conditioning
Pre-Professional Athletic Training
Pre-Professional Physical Therapy
Individualized Program of Study (OT, PA, etc.)
National Accreditation and Recognition:
The Northern Vermont University-Lyndon (formally Lyndon State College) Department of Exercise Science holds national distinction as the 24th institution in the country to receive accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (2009-present) in coordination with the American College of Sports Medicine. The department is also recognized by the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Education Recognition Program (2005-present). NVU-Lyndon’s Exercise Science program is one of very few institutions in the country to be both CAAHEP accredited and NSCA recognized, and is the only accredited Exercise Science program in Vermont or New Hampshire.
Program Mission Statement
The degree program in exercise science combines fundamental interdisciplinary study in the natural sciences and liberal arts with extensive laboratory, experiential, and professional internship practices. The mission of the department is to provide exceptional academic and professional preparation for careers in exercise science. Emphasis is placed upon the development of academic, practical, and critical skills needed for lifelong learning as advocates of health promotion, strength and conditioning, and disease/injury prevention and treatment.
Program Goals
Students completing undergraduate studies in the department of exercise science will emerge with the following outcomes:
- a foundation of knowledge in the natural sciences
- an understanding of the behavior of the human organism in causing, controlling and responding to movement
- a variety of career or post-secondary educational opportunities in exercise science
- the technological and practical skills to access and read scholarly materials in exercise science
- a demonstration of independent research
Program Assessment
Career tracks in exercise science offer strong experiential components via laboratory, practicum, and internship experience. The effectiveness of the departmental and program preparation and the objectives of completed internships are evaluated by faculty, student and internship supervisor.
An internship manual (pre-professional) outlines specific and detailed policies, procedures, and objectives for the student, the internship site coordinator, and the experience. An appendix of this manual includes documentation for the intern to self-evaluate and for the internship site coordinator to evaluate the readiness and professional preparation of the student intern for future professional experience.
Program of Study
Bachelor’s degrees in exercise science consist of a core of primary courses, which all students in the department must complete. Career tracks allow students to select an area of concentration (see below). The core provides a solid foundation of knowledge in the natural and exercise sciences, while career track concentrations promote professional or personal career goals.
Health Fitness/Strength and Conditioning: Students prepare for careers involving (but not limited to) personal training, group fitness instruction, strength and conditioning of athletes, health and fitness education, disease prevention and rehabilitation, and fitness facility operation. Students in this concentration also prepare for national certification examinations to include the American College of Sports Medicine Certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EP), National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), and Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT). In addition, students may choose to apply for graduate study.
Pre-Professional Athletic Training: Students pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science from Northern Vermont University-Lyndon and then make application to an athletic training graduate school of choice. Students who are accepted into a graduate program pursue a Master’s degree in approximately 2 additional years of study, and are eligible for certification as an Athletic Trainer (ATC). Students in this concentration also prepare national certification examinations to include the National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS).
Pre-Professional Physical Therapy: Students pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science from Northern Vermont University-Lyndon and then make application to a physical therapy graduate program of choice. Students who are accepted into a graduate program pursue a clinical doctorate in physical therapy (DPT) in approximately 3 additional years of study, and are eligible for licensure as a Physical Therapist. Students in this concentration also prepare for national certification examinations to include the American College of Sports Medicine Certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EP).
Individualized Program of Study: This unique concentration area is reserved for students seeking advanced study in the field of Exercise Science, such as pre-professional occupational therapy*, pre-professional physician assistant, pre-professional nursing, and pre-professional dietetics. Students pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science from Northern Vermont University-Lyndon and then make application to a graduate program of choice. Students who are accepted into a graduate program pursue an applicable graduate degree and licensure. Students in the individualized program of study concentration also prepare for one or more national certification examinations to include the American College of Sports Medicine Certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EP), National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), and/or Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT). Students work closely with their faculty advisor to create a proposed individualized program of study, which must be approved via department faculty vote prior to entering this concentration area.
*Doctor of Physical Therapy/Masters of Occupational Therapy Articulation Agreement: The NVU-Lyndon Department of Exercise Science is thrilled to announce our articulation agreement with Methodist University of North Carolina. In this regard, the top two graduating students, as voted by department faculty, in both pre-professional physical therapy and the individualized program of study (pre-professional occupational therapy) will be granted admission to the respective graduate programs at Methodist University (pending meeting all admissions criteria and a successful on-campus interview).
It is important to note that graduate programs are highly competitive and obtaining an applicable undergraduate degree does not guarantee acceptance.
Exercise Science (XSC) concentration courses can only be transferred from other CAAHEP accredited Exercise Science programs (with matching course descriptions and credit load).
Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science
Computer Literacy Requirement: All students must demonstrate computer literacy in word processing, computer presentations, and spreadsheets. Demonstration of computer literacy may be accomplished by successful completion of classroom assignments.
Note: All students must have current First Aid and CPR certification before enrolling in practicum (XSC 3810, XSC 4130, XSC 4820) and internship (XSC 4810).
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