Jan 14, 2025
ART 5811 - Graduate Studio Project I Credit(s): Variable 2 to 6
Students complete three 6-credit Studio Projects, each taking a minimum of one full semester, for a total of 18 credits: ART-5811 Graduate Studio Project I, ART 5812 Graduate Studio Project II, and ART 5813 Graduate Studio Project III. Typically, students complete one each in their first year’s Fall, Spring, and second Fall semesters. Students complete a “Graduate Studio Project Contract”, which needs to be accepted before the start of the semester. While the student can arrange to work in all Visual Arts Center studios, the student selects a “Home Base Studio” for the project. MFA faculty will do their best to help the student get set up in that studio without being in the way of undergraduate needs. Studio options include Painting/Printmaking, Drawing, Photography, Sculpture, Ceramics, or MiniMars. Students make an initial project plan, that includes a description of what they plan to undertake within this project, including all relevant details such as media, process, and goals. This plan can evolve as the semester unfolds – but the student needs to keep MFA faculty posted on any significant changes. In addition to their own studio project work, the student will arrange to interact with at least one undergraduate course and instructor during the semester in a presentation or project that is relevant to their project plan.
Offering Location: Johnson Campus
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