Feb 11, 2025
HIS 1101 - FYS: Truthiness 101: A Brief History of Consumer Culture Credit(s): 3
“Truthiness” is a term that television comedian Stephen Colbert popularized in 2005. He used it to describe things that a person claims to know intuitively or “from the gut” without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination or actual facts. The overarching goals of this class is to explore some of the “truthiness” of the economic world we inhabit. How did buying, selling, shopping and advertising become such integral elements of 18th- and 19thcentury European life? What effects did the proliferation of consumer culture have on social relationships and identity? How did intellectuals strive to make sense of the changes they saw around them? What lessons, if any, can we take from this history for understanding our own situation?
Restrictions: First-year students only
Offering Location: Johnson CAmpus
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